He has now build a website together with his brother that looks just as balanced and well designed as his Beemer. Really worth a visit, go check it out:
I had more spare parts than I knew I had, so the clutch was a quick fix tonight. Also made a brace to fix the carbs in place. They were giving some trouble and I traced it back (I think) to leaking air from the intake rubbers. I had read that the carbs can just hang in the rubbers, but apparently not. Worked like a charm, the engine runs a lot nicer. I surprized myself a bit by finding out that I had forgotten to shoot a vid since the first testrides, great excuse to go riding. Needless to see: I had a blast.
Also came across a very, very rare sight in Holland. Pretty sure there's a la that forbids having car wrecks. Not sure what to think of it, on one hand it's a waste, on they other hand it's beautiful as it is.
That's not what I had in mind for my Saturday night....
I have no clue what the English name is for it, but the round thing at the end of my clutch cable broke off so it had no clutch anymore. After a moment of thinking Itook the same part off of the return throttle cable and put it on my clutch cable. It brought me home.
I received a mail a while back from a Kiwi (New Zealander) with questions about my BMW. He told me he was building his own BMW caferacer and I of course asked for photo's in return. The bike wasn't finished yet, but he promised me to send photo's when it was. He kept his promise. This is what he had to say:
Very well done mate!! Looks great!
I received a package from Dime City last week, Thanks guys!!!! In it was, amongst other things, a speedo. So I replaced the tacho for the speedo (with all the speedcams here it's on no brainer when choosing between tachos or speedos). Also ordered a new fuel cap rubber loaclly at Blauwe Plaat motoren (a CB specialist in my home town. How convenient :)).
Speedo works great, fuel cap still leaks unfortunately. I also swapped the stator last week because it didn't charge with the light on. The higher power to the battery meant I had to adjust the timing again, move the needles up a bit and change jets. Gave the bike a bit more power, so that's great. Re-sanded the tank because I expected to be able to paint it again, looks nice, but it is unprotected now and as I said: petrol cap still leaks. I'll have to figure out how to solve that.
Took the CB for a 70 mile ride (nice, a working speedo) to a small Chopperstyle meeting, was nice to finally see some more names behind the forum nicknames. Had a great time and stopped by at the side car meeting on the way back. Nice way to spend a Sunday!