zondag 15 mei 2011

foto's zijspan meeting Soesterberg

Today, while riding the CB, I saw a LOT of side cars. Probably hundreds. Turned out there was a side car meeting at the military aviation museum in Soesterberg. I stopped by shortly on the way back and head a great time there. The turn up was incredible. It was the first time this meeting was organized. I don't know how many bikes were there, but many hundreds at least :) Some really, really nice bikes! Didn't take too many photo's, but here they are:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. That was a very cool surprise you ran into.
    Nice photos, as usual. Thanks!

  2. Didn't make too many photos or spend too many time. I noticed that all bikes were heavily locked with up to three locks and I didn't bring any. Made me feel a bit uneasy to leave the VB out of sight, even though you'de have to be a complete moron to steal it.

    Hopefully next year :) When are we going to NSDM?
