maandag 15 augustus 2011
vrijdag 12 augustus 2011
Getting there
We worked on the Virago again last night. I took it for a small test ride first (sorry for the crappy cellphone video).
In one word: Brilliant.
It really was Brilliant. It rode very, very well. So when I came back, we started stripping it for paint. Not our favorite job...
woensdag 10 augustus 2011
Was going through old photo's

New shop opening

No, I have not gone commercial and I am not getting money for this. I am, however, very excited with the new shop opening in Ede, the Netherlands. We don't really have shops like this one here yet and I am anxious to check out what that have. One think I know for sure: It'll be really cool stuff.
zondag 7 augustus 2011
O god, what have we done?!?!?
Well, the title sums it up nicely again :)
Just couldn't leave this 1978 SR500 for that kind of money, so we bought it. We promised ourself not to start on it before we finish the Virago though!
maandag 1 augustus 2011
Riding into the sunset
The Cb has not been running 100% lately though, it's been running rough at higher speeds. I found the problem tonight: The brand new condensers are not working as intended, so I replaced them with old ones I had lying around:
And then it was time to take it for a joyride. The plan was just a short ride to test if everything works, but as usual: I've been riding all night, till the sun went down. Love it.
Took some photo's again too (and a short video, but I'll edit that one later).