woensdag 27 juli 2011

Vincent's Duc(k): Ducati Cagiva cafe racer

Last night we didn't just ride the Virago, we took Vincent's Ducati for a ride to. It's coming along nicely!!

dinsdag 26 juli 2011


We've been having ENDLESS problems with the Virago the last few months. Starter issues (of course), leaky inlet rubber, leaking hoses, leaking gas lines, malfunctioning sparkplugs, etc.. etc...

The last weeks/months we have been looking for a new inletrubber. One of the original ones, which we use on our home made inlet manifold, had torn. A new one was ridiculously expensive, used ones too. We just refuse to pay that kind of money for 20 year old rubbers. No way.

So last weak we decided to make it ourself. That worked. Sorted out the fuel lines last night in a somewhat more professional way (we had been improvising, but that was getting annoying) and fired it up.

We took it for a long ride. The first completely trouble free ride. It ran and handled great! The steering is really nice, it is way more comfortable than it looks and the engine ran great. Nice!

woensdag 20 juli 2011


As you might notice: The photo's in my last posts aren't working. This is because I exceeded the traffic data limit of my photobucket account for this month. They'll be back up next month, so I'm not going to do anything about it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

At this moment I am a bit too busy with my internship, presentations and I also started looking for a job. That means I've had, and will have, little time to do anything on the blog. Hopefully things will quiet down in a few weeks.

zondag 3 juli 2011

Foto's Caferacerdag Achterveld 2011

The Achterveld caferacerdag (day) was today. The weather was great (some coulds, not too warm) and he turn up was fantastic. Hundreds of great bikes. Plenty of interesting bikes to see and plenty of interestig people to talk to. All in all: Another very succesvol caferacer event in Achterveld. Thanks Ton Up Club!!

I mad a lot of photo's and I don't have much time right now. I'll upload a few and the others will follow in the coming days.

For the Dutch:
Staat je motor op de foto en wil je de foto zonder logo hebben, stuur me dan een mailtje dan krijg je die!
Mocht je interesse hebben in een (gratis!) fotoshoot van je motor, stuur dan ook even een mailtje.

adres: daf08@hotmail.com

Link to the album Click here.